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Jateya Jones Consulting is a holistic Small Business focused firm.  We work with our clients to set and achieve their desired company goals.  Our proven 3-step process includes the following components. 


STEP 1:  Clarity.  Specifically, clarity on exactly what you do; not how you make your money, but the true results you provide. People buy results!


STEP 2:  Ecosystem.  Once you are crystal clear, we help you design your unique Income Ecosystem.  Your ecosystem illustrates how your income sources align and the opportunities for additional streams of income. 


STEP 3:  Roadmap. The Income Ecosystem gives insight on the way ahead.  Using it as a guide, we define your strategy, or direction, and resources needed to reach your desired destination. The outcome of the process is an action plan or Roadmap for you to use to reach your target goals.  


Contact us for a quote. We'd love to help you meet or exceed your desired company goals!

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